Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Power of Words and Items

The Power of Words and Items With being mostly stuck indoors, I have done a lot of cleaning. When I was with my daughters dad: I felt the one bedroom apartment was so cluttered. Recently, I was tired of seeing some clutter in my new home. Also, I wanted to be free of many memories/items I had to start fresh. Yesterday I had six small white garbage bags filled with clothes to donate and one black garbage bag. Since many places are not accepting donations I gave it to one of those clothing boxes in the parking lot of YMCA. It's such a liberating experience. I also hope as I donate these items other people can wear them or use them for job interviews. With being stuck mainly inside, I have tried to walk more. I love the neighborhoood I now live in. I don't have to worry about seeing domestic violence (or hearing it) or also kids doing things they are not supposed to. Sure, this could occur, but I don't feel I live in an environment of fear. As I walked yesterday, I thought about how words have such power. I try my best to think before I speak to my daughter. Even when I am mad, I feel I have to close my eyes and reflect and pray before I say something that I will regret. When I was with her dad, we had good and bad times. His words though really hurt me. I am walking and working on deeply forgiving him, especially the period of time, after our daughter was born. I remember one day laying in bed still recovering from the birth and asked him to help with her. She was crying due to hunger, but I was still weak due to all that happened. I still remember his words,"I did not want this (in reference to kids I assume, etc." We both early on wanted kids, but seemed the responsibility was not what he expected. I remember my heart and stomach hurt. There were many other things he said that were painful. Often times people have no idea what this does to people. It really hurts them or other people around them. I feel it's so important (not easy) when we get mad or sad to pray before we say something we will regret. ❤️

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