Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Moving and New Blessings

Over the last couple weeks, my fiance and I have been taking things back and forth to my new place of where I will live. You never realize how much you have until you move. Going through my things, made me realize I really need to purge more. Yesterday, he took a 6 by 12 cargo Uhaul trailer back to Hanna and I's new home (Yes, he is the best, but I am biased, lol). The process has been bitter sweet because of the journey Hanna and I had when we moved to this home. Before I had moved to where I am now, as some of my blog is about, was in a very unhappy and unhealthy marriage. Often times I lived in "denial" because I felt I was going to be judged and when I commit to something or someone I give it my all. Upon moving here, I had asked my ex-husband for a divorce, having no idea where my life would be headed. Before getting a lot of the furniture, I often slept on the floor or a air mattress because I was pretty in the negative balance as terms as money was concerned. The bed I had here, my fiance broke apart so that we could give to someone else (since it is really hard to sell things in San Antonio). The frame along with the headboard I put by the dumpster and posted on the local Neighborhood application along with some of Hanna's things because lol I have done a lot of "donation" trips. Going back to my once room, there was still the green tape down on the floor that my dad had labeled and mapped out because of the space to where my bed should put. I am not very good EVER with measurements or Math, but my dad had put the area to when they come to set up my bed, where it should go. Along with this, I found one of Hanna's baby bottles as we moved here shortly after she turned one. Many of these memories will remain in my heart because even though I was blessed upon moving to where I have lived for the last almost three years, I was in a dark place for sometime.
. My best friend Andrea would always remind me of the famous Jermiah verse because she always knew God had way better plans then what I was living. Which is kind of cute and funny when I reflect on this, because I still recall this is the verse that my fiance put on his profile, when I discovered him. I think God has a sense of humor. During this process of moving it has reminded me (once again) to not buy or that I need to somehow get so many things I do not need. I was thankful in the process of moving, I had the opportunity to bless others with some of the items I do not need anymore. This was my first own real home and also the last thing that my dad and I did together. We worked together as I told him I wanted to do the downstairs watermelon colors (pink and green) and the upstairs under the water (so blues) since I love swimming, dolphins and anything water related. I have had to do it in segments because it is a process and its a new step, but a happy one. I hope this blog will inspire others in various ways such as there is always hope and God really has our best life in mind despite what we might go through. Lastly, real love, can be experienced, and joy. Others might have their own opinions or you might be hiding in your own pain, but it is okay (as I dealt with my ex) to walk away from painful things. You always want to set a good example and the best example for your kids and life. Also, God always has your best interest at heart.

1 comment:

  1. This is all very exciting. Packing and moving is hard but you will get it done. Best wishes. I'm praying for you guys as you make this transition.


Being Beautiful in God's Image

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