Thursday, May 14, 2020


Yesterday Due to the situation of the virus, a good majority of us live in constant worry and fear. When I took a break from teaching, I worked in the medical field for around six years. I stayed in it when I returned, but wanting to be more supportive to my family at the time: I put in my notice and left it. I cried tears when I left the field. I remember turning in my two week notice to my boss and I was crying like a baby. I loved my coworkers so much and all the adults and kids I took care of. The shifts were always 12 hours and often times you could find yourself hoping and wondering if the patients will get better. Many often did, but there were some that did not. I went into the medical field after working as a receptionist at a assisted living place. During that year, my dad also had two open heart surgeries. We found out he was born with a heart condition, but was later diagnosed in his late adulthood. Also, at that time I choose to take a break from teaching after having a difficult based year. So that brings me to yesterday. On Friday I could hardly drive as I had to get my car jump started and I could not turn the steering wheel. I took it to the mechanic and the charges are close to 3,000. The whole electrical steering wheel had gone out. It has been the third time I had to fix it in a month worth of time. My dad and I thought about getting a new car. Although, I am kind of in a hole financially and don't want to get more into the hole. I decided to get it fixed. I talked to my coworker yesterday and told me how I am really trying to make better choices. I explained to him that it is also hard because my exhusband will not sign the divorce decree. I feel everything has been prolonged this year in many ways. I cried tears to him on the phone and told him: I am really trying. Things just keep happening. Later that night he sent me a video that really inspired me on thinking. It was based on how many (or all people) around us are going through different things. The video focused on how we think and what we put our mind on. It was inspiring to watch it. I think about all the healthcare workers working so hard through this pandemic crisis we face. I also think of the people that have lost loved ones out there. Or the families who lost their jobs, can barely make ends meet, or are unsure of what to do in their situation. I am so grateful to all the medical professionals and to society who has come together for the greater good. Yesterday really shaped me.❤️

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