Thursday, May 14, 2020

Holding Two jobs and Flying SOLO

Holding two jobs and flying solo Since my divorce is not yet finished and I run on a teachers salary: money is often tight. I hold everything for value. Like Everything. I now find myself stashing the napkins given by the local fast food and restaurant chains because I do not know when will be the next time I can make it to the store. I also find myself seriously valuing things not just money (like time is so important). This academic school year I have been in some tight places financially. I normally send some money on my students, but it's been rough. I hold two jobs to make ends meet. I feel like superwoman most of the time. In the morning, like everyday I wake up around 4 am to teach kids from China. I love the job so much, but it is a battle when my daughter wakes up. I find myself having to embrace her tears as I am trying to wrap up the class. I normally teach like 3, 28 to 30 minute classes every morning. I then if my daughter is still sleeping, wake her up. Following this, I get her ready for daycare. If she wakes up early; I find myself praying since the parents are not like Americans ( no offense) and are more determined about their child's education. It is never easy, but I manage to do it. I try to value what sleep I do have and get. It's not been easy, but I do my best. I only want the best for her and I.

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