Sunday, August 22, 2021

Reflections on a new school year

This past week was our, "offical" first week of school. The amount of classes have changed for most teachers and many of the students we have in our classes have to recall the basic skills like social, logging into things, and writing. It is important to remember to practice the essence of patience. Although, this school year is different. As I walked up to my middle school campus I really felt a void that continues to remain in my heart. Most mornings I was used to messaging or talking with my dad. He often encouraged me and reminded me of the various skills I have. I did not have the courage to place a picture of him inside my classroom from a fear of crying. Instead I have Blimpy and it sits on the front of my desk because this was him and Hanna's "thing." They often watched this Youtube sensation together as their favorite one was the, "Halloween song." Some of my middle schoolers who know who he is, have no idea why I have Blimpy on my desk. I miss my dad on a daily basis, but know that he is not suffering anymore and in a better place. I try to honor his memory by thinking of the good times and moments. Also, how he always worked hard for us and I continue to value his work effort. Today at church we focused on the strength of God and allowing us to overcome. My pastor reminded us to not to be afraid and that it is important to remember God's TRUTH, TRUST, and TIMING. As I approach school each day I will have to remind myself to think about this. Also, to trust God that he will move mountains with the students I have this year. Sometimes it is hard because the day may seem long, but I know that I am blessed. Often, I have been picking up Hanna around 530 or 600 pm to get all things done. From today's word it reminded me that the Lord is our ultimate strength and also to be thankful. I have undergone a lot of circumstances that when going through them, I often time felt upset, angry and distant sometimes from God. As I have pursued and gotten closer to my walk with Him: I can see His fruits and Thanksgiving in all areas of my life. Despite the past, the present and future can flourish and be blessed.

Being Beautiful in God's Image

It has been almost a year since I have written in this journal. A lot has happened over this year and feel that it has helped me grow. Thi...